manager certificate View detail Copy password 9gIr1+UQuqkWi6so5Ehdv3LHOjC1v+wbIiGBWkSV3Mk= copy pfx file at : C:\ProgramData\win-acme\\Certificates pkcs12 -in "C:\1.pfx" -out "C:\cert.pem" Enter PEM pass phrase:1234 rsa -in "C:\cert.pem" -out "C:\Key.key"
if you need to move or copy a certificate from Windows IIS6 to Linux Apache server (or other device requiring .key and .crt formats) perform following steps: 1. Export IIS6 certificate into into .pfx format On Windows Server machine Start > Run MMC File > Add/Remove Snap-in Add > Certificates > Add > Computer Account > Local Computer Navigate to Certificates > Personal > Certificates Right click your certificate > All Tasks > Export Yes, export private key Personal Information Exchange (.pfx) - clear all checkboxes leave password blank Choose where to save file Finish
2 . Extract private key and certificate file You need OpenSSL to extract private key and certificate from .pfx If you have Linux web server in place you should already have openssl there. Alternatively you can download and install Windows version. For more info and latest versions check here If you installed Windows version run openssl.exe from C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin In Linux version just type openssl in terminal in OpenSSL Export private key and certificate: pkcs12 -in "C:\your\path\filename.pfx" -out "C:\your\path\cert.pem" Enter Import Password: leave blank Enter PEM pass phrase: 1234 (or anything else) Created cert.pem file will have encrypted private key and all certificates (identity, root, intermediate) in a plain text. To extract certificates or encrypted private key just open cert.pem in a text editor and copy required parts to a new .crt or .key file. If formatting doesn't look right in Windows notepad use Notepad++ or similar text editor. If you need private key in not encrypted format you can extract it from cert.pem removing encryption: rsa -in "C:\your\path\cert.pem" -out "C:\your\path\PrivateKey.key" Enter pass phrase (1234 or somethinkg else you set previously) to remove encryption.